Wednesday, 20 January 2016

The Power of Mandalas

"Mandalas are designs that draw your eye towards their centres, and in doing so, focus the mind. Historically, mandalas are ancient forms of meditative art: the symmetrical, concentric circles are designed to ease the overloaded mind and release its deep-rooted creative and expressive inclination. Mandalas are found in deeply rooted and diverse cultures and religions across the world, wherever there is an impulse to tap into an unexplored part of the mind or spirit." Words by Tiddy Rowan.

Seeking inspiration from the beautiful mandalas by Paul Heussenstamm.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

INDA Exhibiting with Twenty Eight at the Scottish Juniper Festival

"Pressed" print collection on display in Edinburgh during the Scottish Juniper Festival in June '15